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Production equipment

Currently has production equipment mainly include:

A, 1200 mm wide hepa air filter without automatic production line, production line has the following advantages

1, incoming 1200 mm wide, to overcome the past do 1170 * 1170 without the disadvantages of hepa air filter need to be assembled.
2, 24 mm to 96 mm high adjusted, hepa air filter without thickness arbitrarily chosen from 40 mm to 120 mm.
3, filter wave folding can achieve 2.6 mm ~ 4.5 mm adjusted, which is 10 cm filter fold number from 22 ~ 38 arbitrary choice, hepa air filter to ensure no rated air flow requirements.
4, roller intelligent automatic control, to ensure that the filter surface smooth and beautiful.
5, the production of filter verticality, overcome the usual filter equipment production, fold and fold between joint increase ? each other
